Zero Mississippi Triple IPA by Mountain Culture

The next beer to feature is yet another return to Mountain Culture and the awesome beers they continually pump out.  This time, it’s the legendary Zero Mississippi Triple IPA.

If you’ve read the blog at all, you know one thing: I love hops.  That and I’ve got something of an obsession with going to pubs called The Royal.  But for the purposes of this post, the most important thing is I freaking love hops.  As far as I’m concerned, the more hoppy a beer is, the more I’ll love it.

Now bearing all of that in mind, Zero Mississippi is pretty close to the hoppiest beer I’ve ever tried.  It is genuine kick-your-teeth-in hoppy. Some might say it’s finally found and passed the limit of how hoppy a beer can be and still be good.

But I wouldn’t.

This beer is aggressive. This beer is a genuine hop bomb. It’s strictly for hop lovers only.  And I absolutely love it.

Mountain Culture always do cool cans

It’s straight up IPA, tilting towards West Coast in style.  So there’s no haziness or citrusy flavour.  All we’re dealing with here are copious amounts of glorious hops.  Just straight up, slightly resinous hops.  And it is awesome.

Just look at that colour and clarity. You can basically taste hops just looking at that photo

It’s a triple IPA so you’d expect all that hoppiness to come with an equally intimidating ABV.  And you’d be right.  Clocking in at 10.8%, that gorgeous can is packing 4.3 standard drinks.  You definitely wouldn’t drink more than one of these a night (both from a liver and a financial health standpoint).

But with that tall can, you can get 2 or 3 small glasses out of it.  Which, especially given the ABV, is basically the same as 2 or 3 other inferior, less-hoppy beers you might drink in a night.  At least that’s how I justify it.

Hard to argue with that

But in all seriousness, if you like hops, get this beer.  Zero Mississippi is everything a celebration of hops should be and genuinely one of the best beers I’ve ever had.

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