Twisted Fate Cover

Twisted Fate DDH IIPA by One Drop Brewing

This week’s beer comes from One Drop Brewing in Sydney.  I’d heard good things about some of their hoppier offerings and Twisted Fate DDH IIPA most definitely did not disappoint.

With Twisted Fate, ‘hoppy’ is the key adjective.  There are definitely some big bold malts happening as well, but I’m not sure I’d go so far as to call it a ‘balanced’ beer.  But that comment is in no way meant as a criticism.  This is a gloriously gloriously hoppy beer.  The malts definitely do their part to give it some complexity, but the hops are the stars of the show.  And in a DDH IIPA, that’s the way it should be. 

As I’ve mentioned previously, I LOVE a hoppy beer.  And this one ticks just about every box for me.  It’s got that huge hoppy punch (you’re well aware of every one of the 85 IBU’s) and a really pleasant clean finish without some of the funny after-tastes that some super hoppy beers can sometimes have. The closest comparison I can think of is Pirate Life’s IIPA, which in my opinion is an absolutely ringing endorsement as that is one of my all time favourite beers. Both are absolutely kick-you-in-the-teeth hoppy in the best possible way.

Good can spiel as well

Make no mistake, this isn’t one of those fancy shmancy beers trying to weave in subtle and sneaky flavours that may or may not belong in a beer.  This is a hop delivery vehicle of the highest order and I absolutely loved it. If you’re into hops, and a bunch of them, Twisted Fate is well worth a try.

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