
Huddle for Warmth DIPA by Bracket Brewing

Before continuing on with tales from our next leg of the Royal Tour, I wanted to throw in one more beer review.  That beer is the absolutely brilliant Huddle for Warmth DIPA from Bracket Brewing in Alexandria in Sydney. Yet another awesome brewery waving the craft beer flag for the Inner West. I’ve had a couple of […]

Royal Hotel Carlton

With our expectations sufficiently brought back down to earth, we departed Granville for the Royal Hotel Carlton.  “Surely”, we reasoned, “this Royal is going to fall somewhere in between the extremes of Ryde and Granville”.  It did. Yes, I do realise that is exceedingly lukewarm praise.  But this was a lukewarm pub.  But I mean […]

Royal Hotel Granville

Fresh off of our extremely pleasant surprise at the Royal Hotel Ryde, the Royal Tour rolled on through the suburbs of middle Sydney.  ‘Who knows’, we thought, ‘maybe Sydney’s heavily concreted central suburbs were actually hiding a trove of hidden gems’.  Then we arrived at the Royal Hotel Granville. From the outside it looked nice […]

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