Royal Hotel

Royal Hotel Granville

Fresh off of our extremely pleasant surprise at the Royal Hotel Ryde, the Royal Tour rolled on through the suburbs of middle Sydney.  ‘Who knows’, we thought, ‘maybe Sydney’s heavily concreted central suburbs were actually hiding a trove of hidden gems’.  Then we arrived at the Royal Hotel Granville. From the outside it looked nice […]

Royal Hotel Leichhardt

After three weekends visiting Royals in the regional areas of New South Wales, the Royal Tour finally hit the city with the Royal Hotel Leichhardt. The honour and responsibility of the first city Royal write-up, that goes to John. So without further ado, please enjoy his retelling of our exploits: An American, two Australian guys, […]

Royal Hotel Carcoar

Yet another very short drive up the road from the brilliant Royal Hotel Mandurama was our 4th and penultimate stop along Light Beer Lane: the Royal Hotel Carcoar. The first thing that hits you about Carcoar is how beautiful of a little town it is. I stopped counting how many times John used the phrase […]

Royal Hotel Lyndhurst

After departing Woodstock, the Royal Tour embarked on the arduous 13 minute drive to the next Royal on Light Beer Lane: the Royal Hotel Lyndhurst. We arrived at the second stop along Light Beer Lane just before noon. The Royal Hotel Lyndhurst is a vine-encrusted old-school bunker of a pub. It’s not the swankiest or […]

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