Top 10 Royals – 4th Edition
As we’ve hit another 10 Royals, it’s time to update our running list of our favourites. These are our 10 favourite Royals of the first 70 we’ve visited.
There has been a bit of a shake up towards the top this time around
Just a reminder about our criteria:
- the criteria will be be completely and utterly subjective.
- most likely it will not be consistent.
- it will be solely based on the the time we had when we were at the Royals in question and subject to our whims.
- if you visited them, you might not enjoy them as much as we did. Heck, if we went back WE might not enjoy them as much the second time around (but probably we would).
- the link to the write-up for each of these Top Ten Royal Hotels is included below
So here we go with our Top Ten Royal Hotels of the first 70 (listed from 10 to 1, countdown style to build suspense) is as follows: