
Galaxy Valley Hazy Double IPA by Garage Project (ft Trillium)

This week’s beer once again comes from the Kiwi champions of craft, Garage Project.  It’s a brilliant concoction called Galaxy Valley Hazy Double IPA. Last year I wrote about Sunrise Valley, the collaboration between Garage Project and Massachusetts’ Trillium Brewing.  That was, and still is, the best hazy I’ve ever had.  Bar none.  No qualifiers.  […]

Sunrise Valley Hazy IPA by Garage Project (ft Trillium)

This week’s beer is an absolute belter.  It’s a collaboration between the excellent Garage Project (whose praises I’ve sung previously) and the equally amazing Trillium.  It’s a hazy IPA that perfectly encapsulates everything about that beer genre.  And it’s called Sunrise Valley. Hazy IPA’s have been the trendy beer of choice for much of the […]

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