Royal Hotel Wentworth

After finishing up the Royals of South Australia in Crystal Brook, and after a fantastic night at the Woolshed Brewery in Murtho, we were back into New South Wales for the Royal Hotel Wentworth. Just on a side note, I will write a post about Woolshed Brewery at some point. It certainly deserves it. Three of their beers have already featured on the blog (Blackberry Bambalam, Scorched Almond Porter, and Great Southern Trend Killer). But for now, back to the Royals.

Just some dudes milling around waiting for a pub to open

You know it’s going to be a good day when you’ve been through 3 states to get to the first pub of the day and it’s still only 10am. Unfortunately for us, the Royal Hotel Wentworth didn’t open until 11am. Luckily John was not about to take ‘wait one more hour’ for an answer. There was a buzzer to ring. And on the other end of that buzzer was a definitely cool publican who was willing to open up a little bit early.

A publican who could see two guys in need of a beer

So after a short wait we wandered into the Royal Hotel Wentworth. The front bar area was pure, classic country Royal. There was the corrugated metal bar and the wood paneling you’d expect. But this one had some awesome extra touches that made it even more awesome and classic country. This pub had stuff like the birthdays of regulars on the wall and a notice board filled with newspaper clippings of some truly epic fish stories.

That is one hell of a fish

We got ourselves some schooners (no longer on the Coopers as we were back in good old New South Wales) and headed further into the pub. There was a good-sized pool room offering free pool. Further back the was a decent looking bistro as well.

Quality pool room

But beyond that was probably the best bit of the pub. The Royal Hotel Wentworth has an awesome beer garden out the back with a view to the Darling River. There was a pool table out in the beer garden as well just to complete the ambiance. But overall, that beer garden is just a good place for beers and watching the world float by. But you really couldn’t go wrong wherever you decided to settle in the pub.

Just an overall cool place to hang out in

This is definitely a Royal we would have loved to hang out in all day. At this point it’s a bit of a cliché comment, I know, but jeez it was certainly true for this one. Wiling away the hours on a sunny day, watching the river flow by, hard to go wrong there. And the publican was the perfect level of chattiness. Not over the top, but genuinely interested. It’s clearly something he’s been doing for a while and that he loves.

Four guys that have had a much needed schooner

But alas, the nature of the tour meant that we had to move on. So after one quick touristy stop at the confluence of the Murray and Darling Rivers (we do do some non-Royal touristy stuff on occasion), we were on our way. But as I said, we could’ve easily stayed at the Royal Hotel Wentworth for hours.

Yep, that’s me with the Murray and the Darling

Royal Stats

  • Town/Suburb: Wentworth, NSW
  • Population: 1,221
  • Date Visited: Saturday, October 19, 2024
  • Visited By: Cory, John, Jordy and Anthony
  • Beer Sponsorship on Sign: Carlton
  • Beer Consumed at Pub: Carlton
  • Price of Schooner of Said Beer: $9.00
  • Unique Award: Royal with the Best Fish Stories
  • Tour Progress: 48.9% (68/139)

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