Royal Hotel Dungog

Editor’s Note: After our night out in Newcastle, there was one stop left to go. For the last stop on this leg I once again leave you in the moderately competent hands of John. So if you don’t like it, blame him. If you do, I must be amazing at editing.

A quality pose in front of a quality pub

First and only Royal of the last day of this leg of the Tour took us to Dungog. An early morning beer before a long boring drive home after a big weekend. It kind of felt like a Royal we were just going to tick off before heading off. That is until we got inside. Personally I was in love. The Royal Hotel Dungog is massive, sleek, classy and cool. Still very much fancy hotel accommodation, and for decidedly unfancy people like us, a great place for a cold beer.

Not enough pubs have full-sized cow statues above the bar these days

The Dungog had everything (except pokies), and that everything includes a massive cow for some reason, a dedicated TV for streaming your own shows onto, and the first Royal Hotel Tea Pot of the tour. The owner was great to us, and even told us about a couple he had met recently who were visiting every Royal Hotel in Australia! Imagine that, what a crazy idea. (The Royal Tour™️ now has competition/enemies). 

Those are definitely the three guys a publican is hoping to see loitering out the front when he unlocks the doors in the morning

The Dungog Royal is beautifully kept, like it’s never seen a speck of dust in its life. It’s no doubt the central meeting place for the for food, drinks and entertainment in town, and a great place for accommodation when visiting for the world famous annual Dungog Film Festival.

We do love any sort of pun on the Tour

The only complaint I had was the music, which only got bad after the barman let me take control of the Spotify and I somehow buggered up the play list. 

Classic and classy

One beer tuned into two. If the situation allowed, it would have turned into a few more as I would have loved to stick around. 

Again, an absolutely classic Royal

A charming, unique Royal. Another added to the will return list. Hopefully they have a better DJ next time. 

We love bespoke Royal branding almost as much as we love puns

Royal Stats

  • Town/Suburb: Dungog, NSW
  • Population: 2,169
  • Date Visited: Sunday, July 7, 2024
  • Visited By: Cory, John, and Anthony
  • Beer Sponsorship on Sign: Cooper’s
  • Beer Consumed at Pub: Dungog Draught
  • Price of Schooner of Said Beer: $7.90
  • Unique Award: Best Royal Teapot
  • Tour Progress: 46.0% (63/137)

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