Hornet IPA by Black Hops Brewing

For this week’s beer, we go back to Queensland for just the second time.  Black Hops Brewing from the Gold Coast does some killer beers, but my favourite I’ve had the opportunity to try is their Hornet IPA.

This beer is super hoppy, but not in an upfront, kick-you in the teeth hoppy kind of way.  Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely also love a ‘kick-you-in-the-teeth’ hoppy beer.  But this hoppiness sneaks up on you.  And once it arrives in the body and aftertaste it is very much as advertised: dry, angry, and bitter.  It’s by no means 100% hops though, there’s a decent fruity body happening as well.  But the hops are absolutely the star of the show.

Hornet IPA can
A tasty beer, cool can design, and very accurate summation of said tasty beer

Hornet IPA also comes in at 6% so not ridiculously over the top for an IPA and definitely lending itself to sessionability.

This beer isn’t filled with out-there weird flavours or even really super innovative.  It’s just a damn good IPA that highlights everything a good IPA should be.  It’s hoppy, it’s delicious, and it absolutely leaves me wanting another.

It’s a big call that may upset some out there, but for my money, of those I’ve tried, Black Hops is the best brewery going in Queensland at the moment.  Balter, Green Beacon, Burleigh, Bargara, and of course Townsville Brewery are all excellent breweries making some great beer.  And there’s obviously a fair few out there I haven’t had the opportunity to sample yet.  But if I’m choosing just one Queensland brewery, of those I’ve tasted, I’m going with Black Hops.  I’ve yet to taste all of their fare, but I can definitively say that the Hornet IPA is fantastic.

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