Canis Major by Barossa Valley Brewing

I’ll start this one by reiterating that, as I have mentioned at a few points throughout this blog, I absolutely love hops.  I have yet to find a beer that I would consider too hoppy.  The hoppier the better as far as I’m concerned.  With that preface in mind, holy moly does Canis Major by Barossa Valley Brewing ever tick all of the boxes for me.

Canis Major
Soooo hoppy!!!

It’s a double IPA and certainly tastes like one.  I wish I had a better understanding of terms like ‘hop profiles’ because not only is this one super hoppy but it’s my kind of hoppiness as well.  The closest comparison I can think of is Pirate Life’s IIPA.  The hop profile (and I think I’m using that correctly) is very similar.  But hoppines is not the only thing that this beer has to offer.  After that initial hoppy kick in the teeth is a nice balanced and even delicate finish.  Unlike some extra hoppy beers, it’s an extremely more-ish beer that makes you want to keep coming back.  I could easily drink 3 or 4 in an evening.  For a very big beer, it’s just that tasty, and that well made.

If you enjoy a hoppy beverage, this may be one that might not have popped up on your radar yet.  If you’re a fan of IIPA’s and hops that just about punch you in the face (but very much in a good way), I highly, highly recommend seeing if you can track down a can of Canis Major.

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