Evil Eye Red IPA by Capital Brewing Co.
For this week’s beer, we head back to the ACT with a truly excellent red IPA: Evil Eye by Capital Brewing.

As you may have picked up on, I absolutely love red IPA’s. But that’s not to say I love every red IPA. This, however, is a particularly good example. As I’ve mentioned previously in the blog, my vocabulary of actual tasting terms is a bit limited, but I’ll give it a crack, even if I have to make up some new ones. Evil Eye has got a sharp snap of hoppiness right up front that lingers nicely as the malty background slowly comes to the fore.

It comes in at a healthy 6.0% ABV. So a bit of a punch, but nowhere near as big of a hit as some beers of the same genre.

Bottom line is it’s an absolutely delicious beer. I reckon that even if a red IPA isn’t usually your beer genre of choice, this one is still well worth a try. And if you are a big red IPA fan, just go try an Evil Eye now if you haven’t already. I really enjoy it and I reckon you will too.